
I am a veteran, I have dedicated my life to defend my country and safeguard the liberties we hold dear. However, I find myself, and others from the military community, falling victim to civil injustice. Powerful newspapers like the New York Times prefer to ignore or downplay the anti-military bias, discrimination, and violence we face, even gaslighting victims in a shocking disregard for journalistic integrity. Until they abide by their own ethical standards,

I am calling on soldiers, veterans, and Civilian Allies to cancel their subscription to the New York Times. 

The lack of regard and respect for our struggles inflicts emotional and psychological harm on a community that has devoted life and limb in defense of our nation. According to FOIA data from the Department of Labor, veterans are denied complaints of employment discrimination as many as four times as other complainants;

Employment discrimination isn't even the worst we are expected to endure. Since its passage in 2009, the Soldiers Amendment to the Hate Crimes Prevention Act has never been enforced by the Department of Justice, which has ignored two Congressional Inquires, one from the House in 2019 and another from Ron Wyden, the 4th highest-ranking Democrat in the Senate; 

This is in large part due to the public's ignorance about the challenges we face - an ignorance stoked by the media's failure to highlight and fully humanize our struggles. Ignorance is only excusable when it is unknown, but when powerful outlets choose to ignore the facts, it becomes discrimination.  

By not giving voice to our issues, the New York Times and other media reassures the public that such problems don't exist, even as military families suffer in silence. We need the media, especially influential newspapers like the New York Times, to accurately represent the communities on which it reports. It's time these powerful entities stop ignoring or gaslighting us and start reporting on the anti-military bias, discrimination, and violence that we encounter.

By signing this petition, you are standing with the Military Improvement Association in demanding accurate representation from journalists and telling them to prioritize stories that shed light on the adversities faced by the military community. Until its journalists are held accountable for bias and discrimination,

I am calling on military families and Civilian Allies to cancel the New York Times.

Our voices deserve to be heard with compassion. Our stories deserve to be told with dignity. Reach out, advocate for military civil rights, and demand change now.


📧 “December logistics”


📧 NY Times Chief Counsel