Are Oregon Dems a friend to military families?
The following was sent to Oregon Democratic Party staff and national committee members on Oct 22, 2024, at 2:30 PM.
My name is Logan M. Isaac and I represent the Military Improvement Association. I’ve been working with Sen Ron Wyden’s office to get my rights enforced as a combat veteran. I am proud to have worked with him on a Congressional Inquiry he sent to the Department of Justice on October 4th asking AG Garland why military civil rights are not being enforced. I have also been invited by Sen Manning (CCed) to testify before the state Senate during December “Leg Days” about LC2560 and LC2984; two military civil rights bills I authored that were subsequently submitted by Senator Thatcher and Representative Hieb.
Oregon is quickly becoming the next frontier for civil rights.
I am writing because I recently learned Kamala Harris has a bad record on civil rights when it comes to my community. In California, AG Harris ignored military civil rights when they were created by AB556 in 2013. Then, as a Senator on the Judiciary Committee in 2019, she did not hold the DoJ accountable for ignoring a Congressional Inquiry signed by six Congressional Representatives asking AG Barr and FBI Director the same questions Sen Wyden is forced to ask once more. Yesterday I came into information directly linking Harris with my prior work, begging the question why she nominated a veteran while ignoring the lack of civil rights afforded his family, and mine.
National politics is local politics
I need your help guiding these efforts to a soft landing rather than a forceful impact; Democrats can close ranks around up-ticket candidates or they can practice the inclusivity they preach. The GOP already has much of the information linked in this email, but I have no interest in helping their candidate across the finish line. For us both to win, I need help getting this issue on the national stage before the above information makes it into the MAGA spin cycle.
You get to choose whether I am an asset or a liability
Oregon is no swing state, otherwise I could address my concerns to Harris directly. As members of Ron Wyden’s party, it stands to reason you have a vested interest in helping his work see the light of day. Can the party support Wyden's Inquiry in any way to make sure it does not get simply ignored, as Trone’s Inquiry was? Are there local connections to anyone in Harris’ campaign to push a draft statement to undercut MAGA blowback from reporting on her record? I threw together the language for LC2560 and LC2984 in a few hours, a statement would take a fraction of that. But I won’t start working on it unless I know I have local support. If Dems want the authority of power, then they need to accept responsibility for it as well. The GOP scares me, but the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
I am asking if Oregon Democrats will be a friend to military families.
I look forward to hearing from you.