Military Civil Rights Act (SB 1057)
After being submitted by then-Representative James Hieb 🐘, LC 2560 (the Military Civil Rights Act) fell into limbo when he was not re-elected to the Oregon Legislative Assembly. On February 13, 2025, Senator Kim Thatcher 🐘 submitted a new Legislative Concept (LC) and today
LC 4669 has become Oregon Senate Bill (SB) 1057!
The Oregon Military Civil Rights Act is now looking for Legislative sponsors; click HERE if you live in Oregon to find your legislator and ask them to support our nation’s first Military Civil Rights Act. I am proud to say that Albany and Corvallis Senator Sara Gelser Blouin 🫏 and Echo, OR, Representative Bobby Levy 🐘 have signed on as Chief Co-Sponsors.
Here is the link to follow SB 1057 as it progresses through Oregon’s legislative process;
Scroll down for the text of SB 1057.
Senate Bill 1057
83rd OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2025 Regular Session
Senate Bill 1057
Sponsored by Senator THATCHER; Senator GELSER BLOUIN, Representative LEVY B (at the request of Logan Isaac)
The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor’s brief statement of the essential features of the measure as introduced. The statement includes a measure digest written in compliance with applicable readability standards.
Digest: Finds and declares that members of the military and their family have military civil rights. Tells the AG to make guidelines on the rights. (Flesch Readability Score: 64.2).
Finds and declares that current and former members of the military and their family members possess certain essential military civil rights. Directs the Attorney General to develop guidelines consistent with the described military civil rights to guide public bodies.
Relating to military civil rights.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. (1) The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that current and former members of the military, regardless of branch, rank or specialty, and their family members possess certain essential military civil rights, including the rights:
(a) To receive the full benefits of citizenship enjoyed by all Americans, all advantages granted by their state of residence and equal protection under local, state and federal law afforded to other protected classes;
(b) To live free from bias, harassment and discrimination in public accommodations, business transactions, health care, employment and housing;
(c) To have meaningful regulatory and investigative standards for military civil rights that are enforced by judicial review and local, state and federal prosecutorial discretion;
(d) To have a public body, as defined in ORS 174.109, reasonably and equally apply re- search, education and advocacy resources to military civil rights;
(e) To be included in diversity and equity measures taken by local and state governments and at places of employment;
(f) To have their personal privacy respected in regard to their military records and for all medals, awards and badges be worn or displayed only by verifiable service members;
(g) To not be judged, labeled or blamed for decisions made by a current or former Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States or elected or appointed government official;
(h) To be represented with dignity in art, music and other media to avoid harmful stereotypes and inaccurate caricatures that may arise from civilian bias;
(i) To obtain remedy and relief from individuals who or entities that profit from an individual’s military experience or from military culture or history without first employing a qualified advisor who represents the military; and
(j) To have their documented military experience, training and qualifications be reasonably and accurately considered in the decision-making processes of landlords, employers, service providers and college admissions personnel.
(2) The Attorney General shall develop:
(a) Guidelines consistent with the military civil rights described in subsection (1) of this section to guide public bodies, as defined in ORS 174.109, in implementing policies and procedures that have an impact on current and former members of the military and their family members; and
(b) Policies and funding recommendations consistent with the military civil rights described in subsection (1) of this section.