ORLA Visits
Since the Oregon Legislative Administrator thinks one of my visits to elected officials was somehow inappropriate, I wanted to compile all the visits I made last fall in one place. So here is a list of the offices I visited, with relevant links to our initial conversation about Military Civil Rights, which has been introduced as Senate Bill 1057.
1000 Sen Kim Thatcher
1300 Sen Chris Gorsek
1600 Rep Rick Lewis: gijustice.com/blog/rep-lewis-mcra
1630 Rep. Thuy Tran (House Veterans Committee Chair) gijustice.com/blog/rep-tran-mcra
0900 Sen James Manning (Senate Veterans Committee Chair) gijustice.com/blog/sen-manning-mcra
1015 Sen Sara Gelser Blouin (District 8, Albany)
1215 Rep Shelly Boshart Davis (District 15, Albany): gijustice.com/blog/rep-sbd-mcra